Sunday, June 17, 2007

How To Sell And Connect With Boomers - By JoAnn Hines

Every seven seconds someone turns 50 years old. With 76 million Baby Boomers in the United States, it is safe to say that Boomers are in command of today's buying decisions. The potential for profit and growth from this group is enormous. According to Rick Adler, founder of The Senior Network, "Simply based on population growth trends, if a product is marketed to the 50-plus audience and maintains its market share, it should increase in sales by 35 to 50 percent in the next 20 years. Conversely, a brand targeted at the zero to 50 age groups will be flat in sales."

Boomer Facts You Need to Know
• Boomers could still be parents or grandparents and be in their 50s.
• Boomers could still be working or in the early stages of retirement. Whatever the circumstances, they don't see themselves as old. Most Boomers plan to work until retirement age.
• Boomers view themselves as younger than they are (typically by 20 years). Gone are the days of over 50 considered close to the end of your life.
• Boomers live active lifestyles and travel is high on their list of favorite activities.
• Boomers love discounts and don't feel at all intimidated in asking for them.
• Boomers grew up with TVs so they understand advertising. The key is to choose the right message through the right medium.
• Boomers are not children of the depression (their parents were). They expect lifestyles better than their parents and are willing to spend to make it so.
• Boomers are connected. They are comfortable with technology and using the Internet.

Characteristics That Are Common To Boomers
• Boomers are more active, healthier and are expected to live longer than their parents.
• Researchers asked boomers what they like to be called. There was no consensus. Terms such as "active adults," "mature," "older adult," "50 plus" and even "middle-aged" and "baby boomer" were deemed inappropriate.
• Boomers want value for their expenditures. Yes, they have money and are willing to spend it, but first you must prove you are offering value for the investment.
• Boomers will digest all the information you give them and make an informed decision.
• Boomers want to be treated with respect not deference.

Keep These Thoughts in Mind When Selling To the Over 50 Market
• Don't look at Boomers as an aggregate mass. Even within boomers there are differences in the age brackets.
• Don't assume the 50 + are brand loyal.. They grew up on branding but are willing to make a change after careful consideration. Give them the facts. Demonstrate how your product or service will make their lives better. Don't hype or over exaggerate claims this has more a negative than a positive effect.
• Use images they can relate to. Studies have shown that tapping into the memories of the boomers earlier life doesn't necessarily work. They are nostalgic, but don't really join memories to their current life styles.
• Whether you use the word, boomer, senior over 50 aging, etc., this age group doesn't want to be referred to as old. Never use anything remotely near "over the hill." In a recent survey I conducted the words golden, aging and elder were disliked as a descriptor.
• Sell Boomers the experience and the benefits that come in using the product.
• Go where the Boomers go. Reach out to them in away and place where there is a high level of comfort factor.
• Emphasize convenience or easy of use or application. Boomers are busy people making their life easier of more simplified is important.
• Write in a language that connects with Boomer. In most cases they are educated and informed. Communicate to them as such.
• Stress the values that Boomers appreciate. Connect both intellectually and emotionally.
• Boomers don't respond well the scare tactics. They are turned off with the threats like "if you don't do this or use this it will be to your detriment."
• Use role models or visuals that represent the audience. Having a 20 year old touting the latest benefits means nothing. Conversely, a 50+ year old speaking to her daughter or granddaughter creates relevance.

Whatever means you use to you reach out and connect with Boomers it's important to visualize them as vital, active people. Eliminate the old stereotypes that we grew up with that described people over the age of 50. Create relevance though images of people in this age bracket. Don't think of them as old but as a group that has the best years of their life ahead of them.

JoAnn Hines' specialty is PACKAGING PEOPLE.
Ms. Hines advice and expertise can help you transform your personal brand. She can show you how to package yourself and make your brand a hot commodity. It's easy once you know the ropes and begin to utilize her insider's secrets. She shows you step by step how to increase your visibility, credibility and marketability with easy to use tutorials and templates.

You can contact JoAnn at

Email me the Chief People Packager

1 comment:

Dan Schawbel said...

This is great. Did you do some research to collect this information?

Dan Schawbel